Shipping And Returns

How is shipping done?

We prefer to ship the products as good as we procure them. That is why we call it Safe Shipping.

Shipping Frequency

We would like to encourage users to better plan order the goods at once. We do not prefer instant shipping rather stick to safe shipping practices.

This will also enable a reduce carbon footprint which is good for the environment. 

Shipping Damages

We ensure and take utmost care to deliver the products fresh and safe to the consumers. However, if something is not right, please do reach out to us by email and respective pictures. We will do our best to support in true cases.

How long will it take to ship a product

We will take an average of 20 days for an item after the order is placed till it is delivered.

Why does it take so long to ship

At this time we are not maintaining any stock or warehouse for housing the products. This will help us procure the best at any given point of time for our consumers.

Where do you ship the products from?

We do have custom channel for procuring as well as processing and delivering. So the information may not be concrete. It is in the best interest of our customers we do strive to adopt the best practices in all the channels.

What is the Return Policy?


We do not accept or process any returns for the shipped or delivered items. Due to Covid-19 and ongoing new variants, we would comply to this policy for a foreseeable future.